BY OLLIE REED JR. / Albuquerque Journal Staff Writer

ABQ vet helps rhinos in South Africa

Albuquerque veterinarian Diana DeBlanc feeds and comforts Swazi, a 4-month-old black rhinocerous, in 2019 at the Care for Wild Rhino Sanctuary in South Africa. DeBlanc cares for horses and mules in her New Mexico practice but has a special affection for rhinos and will soon make her third trip to South Africa to work with them. (Courtesy Diana DeBlanc)

Albuquerque veterinarian Diana DeBlanc feeds and comforts Swazi, a 4-month-old black rhinocerous, in 2019 at the Care for Wild Rhino Sanctuary in South Africa. DeBlanc cares for horses and mules in her New Mexico practice but has a special affection for rhinos and will soon make her third trip to South Africa to work with them. (Courtesy Diana DeBlanc)


Rhino Crash by Diana Deblanc, South Africa Trip October 2021


Mi Cultura Research Project